Virtual Reality Modeling Language
VRML Players

First, you need to get the software for your platform:

Short description of the monuments at ancient Olympia

3D reconstructions:
Some of the most important buildings in ancient Olympia rendered in three-dimensions.

3D reconstruction of the Temple of Zeus in ancient Olympia.

Other games:
Short reference on other famous contests in ancient Greece

In the first person:
Young Ariston shares his experience in the Olympic Games

Olympic victors:
Database of the ancient Olympic victors based on each athletic event and each Olympiad

Specimen sources


Platform Maker or Source VRML Player Version and Notes Size
Macintosh Virtus Corporation Virtus Voyager a111 (Does not fully support VRML 1.0) 511K
Power Macintosh Apple Computer Whurlwind 1.0d6
needs QDraw-3D
SGI Irix 5.3 Silicon Graphics Web Space 1.0
needs OpenInventor
SGI Irix 5.3 Gerbert Orasche and Michael Pichler VRWeb 1.1
Very Good
All others look at: Yahoo on VRML


Expand the player and place it somewhere convenient.

Then configure your browser's Helpers with the following:

Mime type: x-world
Subtype: x-vrml
Extensions: wrl,vrml
Application: Voyager_a111_68k (or your favorite VRML browser)
File Type: TEXT

That's all you have to do.

Note: Voyager_a111 does not load correctly the 'Temple of Zeus' model

Now you are ready for VRML!!
Go for it