whose aim was to render possible the establishment of demotic Greek in educational life and eventually
in society and political life as a whole.
The demoticist camp gathered people of different views, who
saw demotic Greek as an instrument for the dissemination of social ideas. The conservatives
identified it to tradition, the liberals to the language of the people, the socialists
to the struggles of the labour class.
In the period 1910-1920 liberal trend prevailed and won over the Socialist
demoticists. The protection of katharaveousa by the Constitution of 1911 disillusioned
the Socialists, who stood apart from it. After 1915 and the resignation of Venizelos
reforms were adopted on the part of the Socialists. The need for manoeuvre was realized and Venizelos was acknowledged as the only way out.
All pro-reform and radical elements rallied around him.
In the period 1917-20 Venizelist demoticism prevailed in educational and cultural matters.
The demotic movement was accompanied by European ideas and concepts that opened up new ways of expression for modern Greek art.