Hellenic Cosmos
Timetable Access

Cultural Center
Hellenic Cosmos
254 Pireos street
177 78 Tavros

Tel: 212 254 0000


Spring 1940: The old VIOSOL factory was transferred to Pireos street, the industrial zone of Athens. A modern building was constructed to house the factory.

28th October 1940: Just before the eruption of the war the building was completed, but for ten years the factory did not operate there.

30th October 1940: From the Proceedings of the Board of Directors: "Due to the war... the factory's operation has been limited to the minimum". The war had begun and the army seized all raw materials and production was slowed down. The building at Pireos street was occupied first by the allied forces and then by the enemy.

1950: With the new decade the factory was equipped with new machinery and became operational once again.

1997: The Foundation of the Hellenic World purchased the VIOSOL factory. The old factory was transformed into an area of history and culture where the cultural centre Hellenic Cosmos would be housed.

1998: The works for the alteration of Buildings 1 and 2 came to an end. The industrial complex became an impressive cultural area where visitors experience Hellenic history through advanced technological applications.

21 March 1998: The inauguration of Hellenic Cosmos. The Foundation of the Hellenic World chose this specific spring day for the inauguration of its Cultural Centre, attempting to contribute to the "springtime" of cultural life.

October 2003: The Cultural Centre expanded. With the ratification of the expropriation act , FHW, with private funds, obtained additional 40,000 m2 for the creation of an original cultural park in a degraded environment. In this way the Foundation contributes to the regeneration of the whole area.

February 2004: Inauguration of Building 7. An abandoned industrial building is transformed into an area architecturally and aesthetically original.

4 December 2006: The inauguration of the "Tholos", a semi-circular theatre with a capacity of 132 people, which elevates Virtual Reality to a different level. It hosts the Foundation’s digital collections and presentations, where the visitor can interact with the virtual environment.

21 March 2007: Inauguration of the "Tholos" building which host from November 2006 FHW's digital productions.

July 2007: Building 7, which from March 2004 operated as multicultural area, is demolished as part of the construction of new buildings at Hellenic Cosmos.

21 March 2008: The "Theatron" is inaugurated, the new building of Hellenic Cosmos, which has been designed as a multifunctional area with maximum possible flexibility. It possesses ultra-modern technological infrastructure and hosts various artistic events and conferences.

 Archaeological excavations at the areas of Hellenic Cosmos