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The Revolution of September the 3rd and the Constitution of 1844

On the 3rd of September 1843, the garrison of Athens, supported by the majority of the Hellenic people, revolted against the Monarchy, requesting a constitution. The main reasons behind the revolt were the autocratic reign of King Otho and his breaking of the decision taken by the National Assemblies (1821-1827). The final agreement of Otho with the demands of the rebels signaled the end of the Absolute Monarchy and the beginning of the new era of the Constitutional Monarchy.

Scene from the Uprising of 3 September 1843. Oil-painting.

On the 8th of November, the 'Third of September National Assembly of Hellenes in Athens' commenced in the Parliament with the mission to construct a new constitution. The constitution established the monarchic regime, recognizing the King as the sovereign.

The king had the executive power, which he exercised through his ministers, who he could appoint and retire. In addition, the King took part in the legislative power by the legislative initiative and the confirmation of the laws. The new constitution founded a second legislative body, the Senate, whose members were appointed for life. The liberal arrangements of the 1844's Constitution included the protection of the individual liberties and the election law, especially revolutionary for the time, which established the general direct male balloting.