The IMEros journal is an annual publication produced by the Foundation of
the Hellenic World (FHW). Its aim is twofold: to stimulate the theoretical
study of the problems and opportunities arising from the interaction between
the humanities (mainly archaeology, history and museology) with multimedia
and the new technologies (primarily the Internet, electronic publishing,
3D representations and virtual reality); and, by expressing the issues,
propositions and concerns that such debate engenders, to highlight the
theoretical and scientific basis of the projects realised at FHW and to
support the special scientific and academic interests of its staff.
IMEros will thus cover issues relating to
- cultural information as an object of electronic development and dissemination
- the application, visualisation and restructuring of cultural information
- educational and museological electronic applications as they relate to
cultural information.
Also included in the journal are articles of purely historical or
technological interest relating to history, archaeology, art and new
technological applications.
IMEros welcomes any contribution that falls within the above thematic framework.
Future issues of IMEros will follow specific themes and will,
additionally, include short web catalogues of such subjects as history,
archaeology, and the management of cultural heritage, and, occasionally,
short monographs (published as supplements) and reports of conferences
organised by FHW.
In the second issue of IMEros, contrary to the first one, texts by external
collaborators are included. It is encouraging for the future of the journal
the fact that this time the majority of the texts fall within the thematic
frameworks that lie at the core of IMEros' interest. Maria Roussou
(Narrative as an instrument for the construction of cultural and educational
virtual reality experiences) examines, through examples of virtual reality
applications, the notion of narration, whether it is considered as an abstract
sum of elements that constitute an experience or as a linear narration of
stories. Despoina Valatsou (Does Digital History Change History? Historical
Narrative, Hypertext and Visualization of the Past) focuses on issues that
result from the introduction of new technology in the field of science of
history, mainly in the process of perception and reconstruction of the past.
Nikolaos Ampazis (The Use of Advanced Techniques of Digital Material
Management and Information Retrieval based on Content: Operation of the
Concept Based Search Engine "ARGO" in FHW's Web Site) examines the way
search engines operate both through the use of key words and through advanced
techniques of statistical analysis.
The article of Nikos Athanassiou (The
canon of the nine lyric poets in the early years of Alexandrian scholarship)
belongs to the field of classical philology. The
author presents a study about the catalogues of the lyrical poets as they
were composed by Aristophanes of Byzantium. Finally, Aphrodite Kamara
(Documentaries: Function and Fiction) examines issues and methodological
problems that emerge from the production and use of documentaries on cultural
The second issue of IMEros also hosts presentations of electronic projects
and programmes whose content falls within the framework of the journal's
interests. So, Dimitris Plantzos presents the applications of new technologies
that were elaborated by the Museum of Cycladic Art and Vasso Kokkinaki
deals with a sample of Internet sites of archaeological content that address
the wide public, while Platon Petridis and Vicky Foskolou examine the CD-ROM,
which was produced by FHW in order to present archaeology to children.
The rapid increase of electronic sites with research-academic content led,
as was expected, to their presentation and evaluation through the Internet
itself with the methods that are familiar to the scientific community.
IMEros, responding to these new tendencies, hosts web critiques by Georgios
Zachos and Ioannis Karachristos.
At the end of the present issue, like the previous one, there are catalogues
of electronic addresses relevant with new technologies, history and classical
studies on the Internet, which were composed by Ioanna Andreou and
Aphrodite Kamara.
IMEros, having as initial objective the examination of the interaction
between different fields of knowledge and various thematic frameworks, aims
at the submission of articles that approach issues of culture and technology
in an interdisciplinary way. Through the collection of the articles of this
issue it becomes evident that the contact between culture and new technologies
opens up a still unexplored field, the boundaries of which are gradually
being defined through the exploration of complex and novel themes. We believe
that through this second issue, IMEros has taken a step towards the configuration
of a platform, which calls for the examination of the relationship between the
humanities and new technologies. Your contribution, with the submission of
articles and the dissemination of ideas, is valuable for the further elucidation
of the field and the success of this objective.
The Editorial Committee
The Editorial Committee would like to thank Dr. Dimitris Bilalis
for his contribution in the preparation of this issue.