The IMEros journal is an annual publication by the Foundation
of the Hellenic World (FHW). Its aim is to stimulate the theoretical study
of the problems and opportunities arising from the interaction between the
Humanities (mainly archaeology, history and museology) with multimedia and
the new technologies (primarily the Internet, electronic publishing,
3D representations and virtual reality) taking as a starting point the
interdisciplinary character of the projects realized at FHW.
IMEros will thus cover issues relating to
- cultural information as an object of electronic development and dissemination
- the application, visualisation and restructuring of cultural information
- educational and museological electronic applications as they relate to
cultural information.
Also included in the journal are articles of purely historical or
technological interest relating to history, archaeology, art and new
technological applications.
IMEros welcomes any contribution that falls within the above thematic framework.
Future issues of IMEros will follow specific themes and will,
additionally, include short web catalogues of such subjects as history,
archaeology, and the management of cultural heritage, and, occasionally,
short monographs (published as supplements) and reports of conferences
organized by FHW.
The third issue of the journal presents the meeting "Culture - New Technologies - Education"
and the International Conference "Cultural Convergence & Digital Technology",
which were organized by FHW in May 2002 and May 15th-17th 2003 respectively.
The rest of this issue's articles cover a wide range of issues. Th. Moussouri
(Current Trends in Exhibit Evaluation) develops the process of evaluating an exhibition,
which is currently an indispensable part of exhibition design. K. Panourgias
(Thematic Exhibitions: An Approach to Curating) examines various thematic exhibitions
and researches their role as an alternative way of viewing and experiencing art and
cultural heritage. P. Kalamara (Chronicle of studying and conserving the costume
ensemble of Hagia Sophia at Mystras. Technology as subject of study and aid to
archaeological research) presents how new technologies facilitate the study of archaeological
findings and lead to better understanding of historical periods. A. Sideris (Cultural Heritage
and Digitization) deals with the questions arising by the fact that cultural heritage forms
an object of digital documentation.
More and more programmes of universities and research foundations appear in electronic form.
The current issue, like the previous ones, hosts presentations of electronic works and programmes,
which fall within the thematic framework that lie at the core of IMEros' interests.
The researchers A. Vassiliou, K. Tsiorou and G. Foukaneli present the research programme
of the University of Athens: "Aspects of Patronage in Byzantine Cappadocia". K. Ferla
presents FHW's programme Encyclopaedia Micrasiatica Graeca. Finally, the programme of
the University of Athens, "Byzantine presence in Georgia and Georgian in the Byzantine world"
is presented by M. Panagiotidi, D. Mourelatos and N. Fissa.
This issue comes to an end with the catalogue of electronic addresses relevant with the
pivotal points examined in the journal. This time the addresses have been compiled and
presented by I. Arnaoutoglou (Ancient Greek Law), V. Foskolou (Byzantine Studies) and
A. Stamatelou (DigiCult "Digital Heritage and Cultural Content").
The impact of the meeting and the conference as well as the content of this issue's
articles demonstrate both the dynamic introduction of new technology to all the fields
of cultural research and the questions and problems resulting from this fact.
Your contribution, with the submission of articles and the promotion of ideas,
is valuable for the further elucidation of the field and the success of the objective set
by the journal.