Ancient Greek Laws in the World Wide Web
Ilias N. Arnaoutoglou (Issue 3 / 2003)
The amount of information available now in electronic format has increased to
such an extent that an inventory is necessary. It is the ambition of this note to
provide to the members of the academic community interested in ancient Greek legal
history such a classified index of web pages, websites and web portals.
A. Bibliographies - search engines
1. Agora Revues: Fonds de bases de données bibliographiques
The site provides access to indexes of journals, searchable by author,
title and year. Of special interest to legal historians are the indexes
of LÕ Antiquité Classique, American Journal of Ancient History, Chiron, Hermes,
Historia, Journal of Hellenic Studies, Journal of Roman Studies, La Parola del
Passato and Revue des Études Anciennes.
2. L' Année Philologique
The best known bibliography in classical studies available electronically
from 1996 to 1999 in English and in French. Thesaurus term: Droit grec.
(also Institutions, Epigraphie, Papyrologie). The access through
www.lesbelleslettres.com requires subscription for access to the bibliography
of the years 1969-2000.
3. Diotima. Materials for the study of women and gender in the ancient world
As the title implies this is a site devoted to women studies in antiquity.
It includes essays, anthology of sources translated in English, images,
information on courses; of special interest to legal historians is the section
on law and women, slavery, prostitution, widows, marriage and divorce.
4. Droit, justice et chatiment dans le monde grec et romain
The site includes introductory bibliography in French on most aspects of
law and justice in ancient Greece and Rome. Additionally, one can consult
the section on epigraphy and papyrology.
5. DRoits ANTiques
The electronic version of La Bibliographie du Centre de Documentation des
Droits de l'Antiquité (available in French, English, German, and Italian).
It contains material pertaining to ancient Near East, ancient Greece and Rome and
pre-Justinian Byzantium. It provides an excellent search engine
(list with keywords and authors).
6. Gnomon
Searchable bilingual (German and English) index of publications since 1998.
Thesaurus term: Griechische Rechtsgeschichte (the sections Epigraphik,
Papyrologie, Geschichte, Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte are also useful).
For earlier years the bibliography is available on CD.
7. Greek Law
Bibliography of required and recommended reading in Greek law for students.
8. Nomoi
This site, which is under construction, contains a bibliography of ancient
Greek laws of archaic and classical period (7th-4th centuries BC). The site is
divided into 4 different chronological sections, a) to 1927, b) 1928-1969,
c) 1970-1989 and d) 1990-today. The bibliography is regularly updated and when
completed the material will be presented in thematic sections.
9. TOCS-In
Popular search engine for articles in selected journals and volumes of
collected studies for the period 1978 onwards.
B. Introductory texts
10. A Day in Athenian Lawcourts
It is an introductory text on courts and procedures in ancient Athens,
accompanied by sources, glossary of legal terms and brief information on the
orators. For the moment the pages are available only in Greek, but a version in
English is under preparation.
C. Legal History Journals
11. Epeteris Kentrou Ereunas Historias tou Hellenikou Dikaiou
(Yearbook of the Research Centre for the History of Greek Law)
Published by the Academy of Athens, the Yearbook includes articles
mainly on post-Byzantine law, but few so far, on ancient Greek laws.
The site includes the table of contents of volumes 1-35 (1948-2000).
12. Revue Internationale des Droits de l'Antiquité
The journal contains articles for Near Eastern, Egyptian, Greek and Roman laws;
the site includes table of contents for the volumes 1997-1999. Articles in these
volumes are available in electronic format for downloading.
13. Tijdschrift voor Rechtsgeschiedenis
http://www.phil.uni-erlangen.de/~p1ges/zfhm/tvr1.html (of the years 1918-1957)
The journal contains mainly articles for Roman and medieval European law.
The site provides a table of contents for the issues of the years 2000-2002 on line.
14. Zeitschrift der Savigny-Stiftung fur Rechtsgeschichte
The oldest periodical publication on legal history does not have a site
of its own; however, a very useful table of contents for the period 1880-2001
(subdivided in several periods) is available on the university of Erlangen.
15. Universidad de Extremadura. Facultad de Derecho (Spain)
A site that provides tables of contents for several journals of legal history,
such as BIDR (1995-96), Cuadernos de Historia del Derecho (1994-2001),
Iura (1995-1998), Labeo (1999-2002), RHD (1999-2001).
D. Classical Studies and Ancient History Journals
16. Arethusa
Tables of contents from volume 29 (1996).
17. Bryn Mawr Classical Review
An electronic publication of book reviews. Regularly updated, a must for
the scholars of the Greek and Roman world.
18. Classical Quarterly
The web site of one of the most prestigious journals contains table
of contents for the volumes since 1996. Subscription to the print edition
is required in order to have electronic access.
19. Classical Review
The web site of the journal for book reviews on classics contains
table of contents for the volumes since 1996. Subscription for the
print edition is required for electronic access.
20. Greece and Rome
Table of contents for the volumes since 1996. Subscription for the print
edition is required for electronic access.
21. Historische Zeitschrift
Table of contents since 1859.
22. Kernos. Revue internationale et pluridisciplinaire de religion grecque antique
A journal devoted to the study of Greek religion. It contains table of
contents for volumes 1-15 and Supplements.
23. Klio
Table of contents for volumes since 1998.
24. Metis
Table of contents for volumes 11-12 (1996-97)
25. Mouseion
Table of contents for volume 14 and onwards (1995-2001).
26. Quaderni di Storia
Table of contents from 1997 (vol. 46) onwards.
27. Tyche
It contains table of contents for volumes 11-15 (1996-2000) and the Supplements.
E. (Legal) Epigraphy and Papyrology
28. Archiv fur Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
Table of contents since 2000.
29. The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
Table of contents of most recent issues. Author index for volumes 1-35 (1963-1998).
30. Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents
An excellent site about Greek and Latin epigraphy. It contains news, events,
links to several epigraphical and papyrological projects, and provides electronic
access to squeezes of inscriptions.
31. Claros. Concordancia de Inscripciones griegas
Concordances of inscriptions; useful for those working with inscriptions.
32. Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik
Table of contents for all the volumes. Articles in volumes from 1992
to 1998 and onwards are available for downloading, as well as photos
in volumes 128 (1999) to 138 (2002).
F. Web-Portals
33. Archaeogate
A very useful portal with pages devoted to cuneiform, Egyptian, Greek and
Roman law, legal epigraphy and legal papyrology. Each section contains information
on meetings, events, articles available electronically, and links.
34. The Avalon Project at Yale Law School. Documents in Law, History and Diplomacy
It includes the translations of the code of Hammurabi, AristotleÕs Athenian
Constitution, and some Roman laws (Twelve Tables, Agrarian law, Acilian law,
Charter of Urso, the edict of Augustus for Cyrene, Julian law on agrarian matters,
J. Caesar's law on municipalities).
35. Demos. Classical Athenian Democracy
The site aims at creating a digital encyclopedia of classical Athenian
Democracy useful to the wide public. A special chapter is devoted to Athenian
legislation and inscriptions.
36. Greek Law
A commercial site providing Greek legal sources translated into English,
regarding Athens and Sparta.
37. Ipso Facto. Legal History
A site containing information about the American legal system. A section
deals with and provides access to ancient and medieval legal history.
38. Kirke. Katalog der Internetressourcen fur die Klassische Philologie aus Erlangen
A very useful site with links on Roman law sites, epigraphy, papyrology and a
collection of texts in translation. The site is exceptionally rich on journals
available on the Internet (Zeitschriften).
39. Lex Antica
The site includes translated passages from Plato, Aristotle, Demosthenes
and Lysias. Also texts from ancient Egypt, Mesopotamia (the code of Hammurabi),
Israel (Exodus), Anatolia (The laws of Nesilim (c. 1650-1500 BC)), Persia,
Carthage and Rome (Digest, Codex, Edict of Diocletian, Twelve Tables,
Augustan laws on marriage).
G. Legal History Websites, Portals and Journals for other periods and legal systems
40. ABZU. A guide to information related to the study of the ancient Near East on the Web
Search engine for ancient Near East studies.
41. DROL. Diritto Romano Online
A useful site including sources of Roman law, bibliography, monographs,
articles on line, calendar, events, and e-mail directory.
42. Droit et Société
A journal devoted mainly to sociological approaches to law and jurisprudence.
Occasionally articles for ancient Greek law. Table of contents since 1985.
Articles available for downloading from volumes 1 to 10.
43. Forum Historiae Juris. Erste europaische Internetzeitschrift fur Rechtsgeschichte
Articles, debates, reviews, links mainly on Roman, medieval and modern law available in German.
44. Guide to Legal History Resources on the Web
A portal providing access to sources and resources for those interested
in American legal history.
45. Iura Communia. Il sito di diritto comune
A site devoted to medieval law in Italy with articles, sources, and bibliography.
46. Postbyzantine law on the Web
A website including bibliography on the laws used in Greece during the
Venetian and Ottoman domination. It also includes the contents of Themis,
the first post 1821 journal of legal history in Greece.
47. Rassegna degli Strumenti Informatici per lo Studio dellÕAntichitˆ Classica
The site contains information about research projects in Roman law in Italy.
One can also consult the sections Fonti Letterarie, Fonti Epigrafiche, Fonti Papiracee.
48. Roman Law Resources
Excellent bilingual (English and German) portal devoted to Roman law directed
by E. Metzger at the University of Aberdeen. The portal provides access to
bibliography, directory of historians, journals, reviews, projects, teaching materials.
49. Roman Law Links
A site with links to other Roman and Romano-Byzantine law sites and texts.
51. Traditio
A journal devoted to medieval studies. Index for volumes 1-50.
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