Nobody doubts the position that digital technology gradually assumes in modern societies.
Its appearance and development during the second half of the 20th century coincided, or even generated, with most of the phenomena of cultural convergence and globalization.
The Foundation of the Hellenic World, whose aim is the study, preservation and dissemination of Hellenic culture, utilizes digital technology applications.
Therefore, the subject of the conference reflects the methodology and the role that FHW attempts to play in the Hellenic and world cultural reality.
The Foundation, and as a result its Cultural Centre Hellenic Cosmos, responds to the immediate needs of Hellenic and world society. On the one hand, it attempts to familiarize the public,
of all ages, with new technologies. On the other hand, it promotes the research of the Hellenic spirit and the study of places and periods of time, in which the Hellenic spirit was fertile leading to
the flourishing of sciences, philosophy and art. At the same time, it created the conditions for assembling Greek scientists, so they will not be forced to turn to other centres abroad. This outcome,
even though less obvious, provides multiple benefits to Greek society and economy.
Within this framework, the organization of our first international conference entitled "Cultural Convergence and Digital Technology", which I am honored to present to you, is just a first public
expression of the way that the members of the Foundation have been working for so many years.