The Chronicle
he chronicle was
an even more popular form of history than the historical narrative. It was a ballad in demotic language, which described particular historical facts. The Chronicle of the Morea describes the Peloponnese in the time of
Frankish occupation,
from 1204 to 1292, and speaks of the battle of Varna in 1444. The Chronicle of the
relates the deeds of the Tocco family, Italian governors of Epiros from 1375 to 1427. It is a family epic in which this dynasty is lauded by a writer who belonged to the family's milieu. A third work is a chronicle of Cyprus by
Leontios Machairas, entitled
Recital concerning the Sweet
Land of Cyprus, entitled 'Chronicle'. It narrates the history of the island from the time of
Constantine the Great to
1432. It is written in the Cypriot dialect and, besides its literary value, it constitutes an important source of information on the history of the 14th and 15th centuries.
See also: Battle of Varna