Hellenic Cosmos

11 March 2025


Foundation of the Hellenic World
e-mail: info@fhw.gr
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To the Foundation of the Hellenic World

  1. Honorary Distinction by AKMI  Educational Group for FHW´s web pages (1996)

  2. "Findlink Award" for FHW's web pages (1996)

  3. Award by the web site Pathfinder, which recommends daily the best Greek Internet pages (1996)

  4. "Britannica" award for the site "Olympics Through Time" (1997)

  5. "Best of Europe" Award (ARTS AND CULTURE section) specifically for the virtual tour in the National Historical Museum included in the "Old Parliament" presentation (1997)

  6. "Best of Europe" award and honourable mention (REFERENCE section) for FHW's Internet pages (1997)

  7. Honorary incorporation of the documentary "The Olympic Games in Antiquity" in the Museum of Lausanne as educational material (1997)

  8. Honorary Diploma by the Cultural Association of Greek Women (1997)

  9. Special Prize for Social Contribution and Benefit to the Foundation of the Hellenic World by the Association for Business Sponsorship of the Arts (OMEPO) (1998)

  10. 1st Prize for the documentary "Miletus... A City in Four Dimensions" in the 5th Amiens International Festival of Archaeological Films (1998)

  11. Award "Best Organization Site 1999" and "Best Compatibility Site 1999" for FHW's pages on the Internet (1999)

  12. Award "Attallos Filadelfos" to the Foundation of the Hellenic World by the Municipality of N. Filadelfia (1999)

  13. 1st “IPEKTSI” award for the documentary “The Journey”, produced by FHW and Maria Mavrikiou (2000)

  14. Honorary Distinction to the Foundation of the Hellenic World by the Greek-Canadian Association (2001)

  15. Approval of Pedagogical Institute for the site "Hellenic History on the Internet" (2001)

  16. Medal of Honor and Charity to the Foundation of the Hellenic World by the Municipality of Filothei (2001)

  17. Gold Medal of Honor and Charity of the city of Athens to the Foundation of the Hellenic World by the Municipality of Athens (2001)

  18. Honorary participation of the Foundation of the Hellenic World in the "Best in Heritage" Conference, as one of the 24 most important European museums and cultural foundations (Dubrovnik, Croatia, September 2002)

  19. Award to the Foundation of the Hellenic World by the programme "Netdays" of the General Secretariat for the Youth (2003)

  20. Honorary diploma of the Thessaloniki International Fair to the Foundation of the Hellenic World for its participation in "Educational Horizons" (2003)

  21. Distinction of the Foundation of the Hellenic World at the competitive section of the international film festival "The Archaeology Channel International Film and Video Festival" regarding the short film "The House of Hermogenes". The film won an honorable mention in the category "Use of Animation" (2003)

  22. Honorary distinction in the category Culture as part of the international tourist exhibition "Tourist Panorama" (2006)

  23. Award of "Research and Technological Development" by the Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry (2006)

  24. Special award Möbius in the category "Education" by the Laboratory of New Technologies in Communication, Education and the Mass Media of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (2006)

  25. Distinction by the Ministry of Culture with the Award for Children’s Knowledge Book, in the framework of the State Awards for Literary Children’s Books, regarding the book entitled "The Fayum Portraits and Mysterious Miss Julia" (2007)

  26. Honorary distinction "The Greek ICT Awards" for his decisive contribution to the promotion and dissemination of Hellenic Culture through digital technologies (October 2007)

  27. Honorary Distinction by the Hellenic Association of Professional Congress Organisers (HAPCO), for his work and long time contribution to the promotion and dissemination of Hellenic culture (February 2008)

  28. Award to the Foundation of the Hellenic World by the Lions Clubs International Greece-Cyprus for its social and cultural contribution (April 2008)

  29. 1st Award to the Foundation of the Hellenic World in the International Competition Collaborative Design Activity (Collada) regarding the project for the presentation of the Agora of Ancient Athens at Google Earth (Augoust 2009)

  30. Award to the Foundation of the Hellenic World in the framework of the Euclides programme by the Information Systems EMC Hellas regarding the Digitization of FHW's Coins Collection (June 2nd 2010)

  31. The Foundation of the Hellenic World received for the children's web site, www.imeakia.gr, the 1st National Award of the European competition "Best Children's Online Content" (8 February 2011)

  1. Special Award and Medal to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou by the Association of Sparta of Asia Minor (1995)

  2. Special Award Mediterranean ECS to Lazaros Efraimoglou by the Xynis Educational Group (1998)

  3. Special Honorary Diploma to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou by Enossi Smirneon (1998)

  4. Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou was acclaimed honorary member of the Orthodox Cultural Association, in recognition of his long activity for the recording, digital reconstruction and promotion of the monuments of the Hellenic World (1998)

  5. Medal of Estia Neas Ionias to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou (1999)

  6. Commander of the Order of Phoenix, awarded by the President of the Hellenic Republic, for his contribution to the preservation of the national conscience via the Foundation (1999)

  7. Honorary distinction to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou by the Alumni Association of Kaltaka School (1999)

  8. Award to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou by the Journalists Committee of Greek Radio (E.R.A), for his contribution to the field of technology (2000)

  9. Silver Medal of the Order of Ethics and Political Sciences by the Academy of Athens to Mr. Lazaros and Ms. Ourania Efraimoglou for their work (2000)

  10. "Monuments for the unforgettable homelands" to FHW's President Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou, N. Filadelfia (2001)

  11. Commemorative Award of participation in the Honorary Committee of the 1st International Conference dedicated to the memory of Sir Steven Runciman by the Charitable Institute of Byzantine and Post Byzantine Studies Mistras (2001)

  12. Award to the founders of FHW Mr. Lazaros and Ms. Ourania Efraimoglou by the Association of Graduates by the American College of Greece (2001)

  13. Award to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou by the Alumni Association of the Athens College (2001)

  14. Gold Medal to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou by the Rotarian Club of Piraeus (2001)

  15. Medal by the International Centre "Kostas Kyriazis" (2001)

  16. Award to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou by the Chamber of Boeotia (2002)

  17. Honorary distinction to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou, FHW's President, and Ms Ourania Efraimoglou, General Secretary of FHW's Board of Trustees, by the Patriotic Association of Tricolonon (2003)

  18. Award of Dimitris Efraimoglou by the Hellenic Society for the Protection and the Rehabilitation of Handicapped Children for his continuous contribution to the events organized by the Society and his assistance in the rehabilitation of handicapped children (2004)

  19. Honorary distinction to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou, by the Community of Mormons of Athens "The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Days Saints" (2005)

  20. Award by Express (Daily Financial Newspaper) to Mr. Dimitris Efraimoglou and FHW for their contribution to the promotion of Hellenic Culture (4 May 2006)

  21. Award by the International Centre Kostas Kiraizis to Mr. Dimitris Efraimoglou, FHW's Managing Director, for his contribution to the promotion of Hellenic culture through modern technological applications (31 May 2006)

  22. Lazaros Efraimoglou was declared regular member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts (Salzburg 2006)

  23. Award to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou by the Prefect of Thessaloniki Mr. Panagiotis Psomiadis (2006)

  24. Honorary Distinction to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou by the Rotarian Association of Ilioupoli (27 February 2007)

  25. Award to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou, President of FHW, by the Rotarian Club of Kifissia for his long contribution to Greece's cultural life, having as his vision the promotion of Hellenism and the demonstration of its contribution to cultural evolution (2007)

  26. Award to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou, President of FHW, by the  American Hellenic Institute for his contribution to cultural heritage (2007)

  27. Social Contribution Award to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou by the Prime Minister, as part of the "Kouros 2007" Awards, for his huge work and his long time contribution to Greek society (2007)

  28. Honorary Distinction to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou by the Company for Culture, Sciences and Social Intervention, for his significant contribution to the promotion and dissemination of Hellenism (2008)

  29. Award by the "Association of Sparta of Asia Minor" for his contribution to Hellenic culture (2008)

  30. Honorary Award by the Friends Association of Porto Heli, for his contribution to Greece (2008)

  31. "Poseidon" Award by the Hellenic Federation of Friends of Museums (EOSFIM) for his internationally acclaimed activity and contribution for the promotion of Hellenic culture through modern technologies (2008)

  32. Award “SOPHIIS” to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens “as Great Honor to the Foundation of the Hellenic World” (July 2008)

  33. Award to the President of the Foundation of the Hellenic World Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou by the Rumanian Academy (2008)

  34. Honorary distinction XENIA to Mr. Lazaros Efraimoglou (2008)

  35. Commemorative Award to Mr. Dimitris Efraimoglou by the Programme of Ecumenical Hellenism for the return of the Parthenon marbles (November 2008)

  36. Distinction to the Foundation of the Hellenic World for the creation of programmes for "Information Society" (March 2009)

  37. Honorary plaque from the Charitable Association of Social Care of Moschato “Academy of Love”, in recognition of his work and his contribution to society (October 2011)