The collapse of parliamentarism towards the end of the inter-war period
The economic crisis that hit the world economy with an unprecedented vehemence
in the early 1930s exacerbated the internal political problems
of the country. However, political deficiencies and managerial incapacity
- especially within the People's Party - in the years 1933-35 allowed the application
of anti-parliamentary practices (rigged plebiscite on restoration, etc.).
The restoration of the exiled King George II was the first step
on the road to the destabilization of the parliamentary system.
But the erosion of democratic institutions and the political system that had characterized
the first half of the 1930s was to become complete disruption under Ioannis Metaxas (4 August 1936)
who claimed power, as he put it, "to avoid the imminent Spanish tragedy".
The crisis of constitutional liberalism would be succedeed by the 'New
State', an authoritarian regime with Fascist overtones which demonstrated clear similarities
to its European models (German National Socialism, Italian
Fascism), but also inconsistencies between its 'rhetoric' and its
strategic choices and pursuits.