The idiom of the Left and the Greek Communist Party
Without doubt, a basic coherent ideology and therefore
idiom is not to be met with in the inter-war period, except in the parties
on the Left of the political spectrum (Greek Communist Party, Agrarian Party).
Smaller groups remained, from satellites to great camps, all somewhat
personal factions with a contradictory and inconsistent idiom.
Given the weakness in numbers of the Agrarian Party and of various
socialist groups, the dominant example of this leftish idiom
was provided by the rhetoric of the Communist Party. The break with the bourgeois political
world, and the class it represented, constituted the foundation stone
of its argument.
Nevertheless, chief among the maladies that had plagued the Greek Communist Party since its inception
was its dependence on the U.S.S.R.
and the commands of the Communist International. In this light
the extremist views it had adopted on issues
such as the Macedonian can be interpreted. Political isolation was the price it paid for the dogmatic 'proletarian line' it
had followed, until the mid-1930s when it adopted the theory of the anti-Fascist 'Popular
Front' and joined forces with those who were supporting the democratic