Refugees in the context of Greek society
After the exchange of populations, Greece became probably the most nationally homogeneous country in the Balkans. According to the 1928 census, only 6.2% of the inhabitants of the country belonged to some minority. Even though the mass of these minorities were concentrated in northern Greece - in the newly acquired areas of the country following the exchange of populations - the Greek element prevailed.
The role of the refugee element was decisive. With a population of 5,000,000 inhabitants, Greece received 1,200,000 refugees. Among them the majority were women, minors and old people, compared to men who had been decimated by slaughter and captivity.
According to existing data, in 1928 cities with more than 20,000 inhabitants contained virtually equal distributions of natives, interior immigrants and refugees.
Siding politically with Venizelism, the refugees' supremacy in the cultural field (educational level etc.), their industry, and also the efforts of the state and the League of Nations to integrate them into society caused fierce, long-term opposition among the native population. In addition, as has been accurately pointed out, refugees were the only solid electoral body of national importance.