Daily life
The impact of the post-war European climate and the innovative trends prevailing in certain areas occasionally affected Greek society to a greater or lesser extent, in particular the upper urban class. Love of nature, the development of organized sports, summer holidays, the increase in artistic events and social receptions continued to preoccupy very limited groups of the population.
For the petit bourgeois and working class, daily life had a different face. Bad diet and unsanitary housing conditions were a combination ripe for the development of tuberculosis and (in rural populations) of malaria.
At the same time, the growing wave of unemployment and the poverty that accompanied it contributed to a new increase in embezzlement and frauds of all kinds. Judging from articles in the newspapers of the time, love tragedies were also increasing, along with suicides, prostitution and mental illness, characteristic features of the urban transformation that was taking place. In the same period, a new form of entertainemnt, the cinema, became accessible to the masses and soon acquired fanatical supporters. Finally, from May 1923 the new Gregorian calendar - already in effect in western Europe - was introduced in Greece.