Introduction: Sources for the social history of Greece in the inter-war period
Many types of documentary material can be used for the comprehension and interpretation of living conditions, the standard of living, and the social rights of the Greek people in the inter-war period. The varied material that the modern researcher-reader can consult allows him the opportunity to discern different types of idioms which refer to and describe society. It must be noted that common people and population groups don't usually 'express' their feelings about life; others 'talk' on their behalf.
From texts written by the agents of state authority, union organizations, intellectuals, and also from the press, come completely different accounts of the conditions, problems and demands of the citizens of the period. This contrast, these gaps and contradictions, are the most revealing elements about what took place within society as Greece underwent the most tumultuous and crucial period of modern times. Some characteristic excerpts that touch on crucial aspects of everyday life are cited as examples. In this light matters such as the refugees issue, employment, hygiene and housing, the position of women and the relationship between state and society are examined.